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Our principles

Hees Translation Works is proud to offer quality services, optimum cost-benefit ratio and strict observance of deadlines.

We are not satisfied just by having a text translated or re-written in a target language, or by simply restating the text in another language. We understand that every text, whether written or oral, has a specific objective to which it has to adapt in a no-less-than-perfect way. And we know this requires more than just command of the language.

This is what you get with our written translations:
  • your target-text in electronic format generated on a Windows platform. Units of measure, currency, etc. and the original format remain unchanged, unless agreed otherwise;
  • a list of terms considered "key" and which may be discussed / checked together with the client aiming at their perfect adjustment to current usage of jargon in each knowledge area, professiional field, market niche, etc.; and
  • printed copies of the target-text following your specifications, when requested.

Clients are frequently sent comments concerning misprints/inadequacies occasionally identified in their originals, as well as suggestions for their ts improvement.

At no additional cost, clients may request visits to revise the works, in which possible alterations can be discussed aiming at "fine-tuning" the texts, consequently also bringing HEES and clients closer together.
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